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First Aid at Work annual refresher
Aim of qualification
To enable learners to refresh their knowledge and competencies needed to deal with a range of emergency first aid situations. Learners should be able to demonstrate the practical administration of safe, prompt, effective first aid in emergency situations with an understanding of the role of the first aider
Over the course of the day the First Aid at Work Syllabus will be reviewed and practical sessions in CPR and wound management etc will take place.
Designed for
People who have attained thier First Aid at Work Certificate but require thier knowledge and skills to be refreshed.
Entry requirements
There are no formal entry requirements but in order to benefit from learning, learners should posses communication skills sufficient to allow them to address the assessment requirements of the qualification.
Learner trainer ratio
With 1 Manikin per 4 learners
Specific equality issues relevant to this qualification
By neccessity, First Aid qualifications require the learner to be assessed performing practical tasks such as CPR to pass the assessment, the learner must demonstrate the required practical skills.
When choosing who should become a first aider in the workplace, the HSE provide the following advice for employers;
When selecting someone to take up the role of a first aider, a number of factors need to be taken into account, including an individual's
(a) reliability, disposition and communication skills;
(b) aptitude and ability to absorb new knowledge and learn new skills;
(c) ability to cope with stressful and physically demanding emergency procedures;
(d) normal duties. These should be such that they may be left to go immediatly and rapidly to an emergency.
Assessment criteria
There are three practical assessment scenarios to be used to ensure that learners have gained the required knowledge, skills and understanding relating to the Annual Refresher